10 Video Games With The Biggest Downgrade From Reveal To Launch

3. No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky deserves credit for turning around a ship that many deemed a lost cause. However the reason that was ship was deemed so, was the failure to deliver the gargantuan promises made by the trailers prior to release.

Infamously promising a universe of infinite planets with diverse geography, fauna, life and everything in between, we were shown a beautiful planet, lots of organisms, including a giant lockneck dinosaur and a rhino rampaging and knocking down trees. The player then hopped in their jet, shot off into space and engaged in a dog fight with other ships, before chasing them down onto a new planet and blasting them into pieces.

In case you're unaware, the game that released two years later was pretty much nothing like that. Sure there were planets with fauna and dinosaurs...but the dinosaurs looked janky af; the planets were far less alive; you couldn't engage in random faction wars in space; you couldn't continue that fight onto a new planet; etc., etc.

The promise of infinite planets became meaningless because those planets were essentially palette swaps of one and other. There was no reason to explore and that was kinda the point. Oh well, it's pretty good now.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.