10 Video Games With Totally Unique Combat
5. Biomutant
In development since 2017, newcomer Experiment 101's Biomutant is a powerful first step into what could become an entire franchise over time.
The world and story itself is a living comment on environmentalism, as Experiment 101 crafted a place where "nature has fought back". Now all that's left is mutated monsters, radiated heroes and a ton of action to get lost in.
Seeing you create a character whose build is dependant on their aesthetic, that alone directly affects combat. Movement speed, punching power, evasion etc. are first represented visually, and all factor into a mix of gameplay styles, leaping through the air with firearms in slow-motion, combo'ing into meaty, dodge-heavy melee flurries, then finishing with acrobatic specials that freeze the action so you can take it all in.
There's a snappy, arcady satisfaction to how Biomutant feels to control - something that propels you to uncover every last part of its lore, gameplay mechanics and expansive world.