10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Secretly Bombed

7. Resident Evil Remake

Resident Evil Remake

Capcom's 2002 remake of their survival horror classic Resident Evil remains one of the most acclaimed games ever released for the GameCube, and while its legacy endures as one of the best video game remakes in history, it was also a disappointing commercial dud during its original run.

The problem, inexorably, was the GameCube's low install base, with the hardware's lifetime sales topping out at a paltry 21.74 million, placing a severely low ceiling on the game's commercial prospects.

With just 1.42 million units sold, REmake was an acclaimed flop, which in conjunction with its follow-up Resident Evil Zero selling an even worse 1.25 million copies, prompted Capcom to take the franchise in a more action-centric direction for Resident Evil 4.

Though RE4 sold only 1.6 million units on the GameCube, it was quickly ported to the PS2 and eventually other platforms, ensuring it became solidly profitable.

There was at least a happy ending of-sorts for Resident Evil Remake, though, as it was itself ported to the Wii in 2008 and received an HD remaster in 2015, with the latter becoming Capcom's fastest-selling digital title in history.

Still, for a solid decade, the game's profits never even got close to reflecting its brilliance.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.