10 Video Games You Have To Punish Yourself To Play

2. I Wanna Be The Guy

Darkest Dungeon Red Hook Studios

Most people who have played I Wanna Be The Guy are likely already wincing at having to remember it. It's one of a long line of ultra-hard platformers, and specifically crafted to sabotage every waking moment you are playing it.

Each level requires you to play it half a dozen times to even know where you are supposed to go, because what your eyes see as the level is totally different to what you will face. Random spikes will appear, platforms that appear to be there won't exist, and sometimes invisible blocks will prevent you from doing a clear jump and send you falling to your death.

It'd be a difficult game as is, but the fact that it actively takes what you think exists and then messes with you as much as it can takes it from difficult to downright devilish.

Since its creation, I Wanna Be The Guy has spawned countless games inspired by it, each awful and wonderful in their own way. But none will quite have the reputation - or the ability to intimidate - like this evolved Mario Kazio... and that might be a good thing.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.