10 Video Games You INSTANTLY Knew Were Trash
Forspoken was finished in record time.

Generally speaking, most video games want to impress players right out of the gate, so they ensure to kick things off with a sequence which has been meticulously designed and laboured-over by the dev team for maximum entertainment value.
After all, if you hook players for the opening hour, they're likely to be far more forgiving if things get a little wonky thereafter. Yet sometimes games just can't hide their tawdriness, not even a little bit for even a single damn level.
And that's absolutely true of these video games, each of which announced their awfulness in record time, assuring players they were witnessing some solid gold, uncut trash.
While it might've left players upset from the jump, on the flip-side it at least ensured they didn't have to spend any more time to see the game's true colours. And better still, it handily allowed PC players to get their money back within the refund window.
In short, these games were all seriously compromised, given that the developers couldn't even make them seem competent OR moderately entertaining for even 10 or 15 minutes.
10. Shadow The Hedgehog

Look, a Shadow the Hedgehog spin-off could've actually been pretty fun - in theory at least - but given that the quality of mid-2000s Sonic games was basically determined by a coin flip, it was definitely foolish to get your hopes up.
Shadow The Hedgehog certainly had a vision, but as it revealed in mere seconds, it was just the totally wrong one.
Literally the first shot of the game's opening cinematic sees Shadow loading a machine-gun, before he's glimpsed riding a comically oversized motorcycle - despite being able to run faster than the speed of light, no less.
All of this is set to some toe-curlingly cringe-worthy butt-rock, confirming beyond any doubt that this game is edgy-with-a-capital-E.
Even accepting that Sega wanted to do something different with Shadow the Hedgehog, the guns and Shadow's constant use of the word "damn" just felt too jarringly out of place for their own good.
Nobody came to the series for this, and it smacked of Sega desperately trying to appeal to teenage boys as much as humanly possible. Its sheer bizarre incongruity in the Sonic canon has won it some defenders/apologists, though.