10 Video Games You Should Be Playing Right Now (October 2015)

10. Your Favourite Metal Gear Solid

Why? Because series creator and stealth-birthing mastermind Hideo Kojima recently left Konami for good, and you should celebrate the good times. Kojima's one in a million, the last of a handful of legendary developers that helped pioneer not only some revolutionary ideas in game design, but also the notion that gaming could have auteurs and identifiable creative forces like the greatest minds in film and literature. His career has spanned almost three decades, doing everything from initially wowing PS1 owners and the games industry in general with Metal Gear Solid 1, to making an 8-hour movie of fan-service and plot wrap-ups that was MGS 4. Phantom Pain rounds everything off with the best gameplay the franchise has ever seen, and despite a meandering story, is still immensely enjoyable.
Everyone's got their favourite though, so snap it back up and pour one out for Kojima. Whatever he works on after this will definitely be one to watch - here's to that Silent Hill-revival we all wanted after the P.T. demo!
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.