10 Video Games You Should Play On Hard Mode

5. The Evil Within

Fallout 4 character
Tango Gameworks

Both The Evil Within and its sequel, The Evil Within 2, keep their hardest difficulty secret for players to unlock only after completing the game on one of the initial modes - which, considering just how hard it is? Was probably a good choice by the developers.

‘AKUMU’ is notorious among horror fans for being one of the trickiest modes out there. This difficulty introduces a one-hit death system for the player, including accidentally self-inflicted damage. Enemies are also made significantly stronger, far more intelligent, and extra aggressive.

While the ordinary difficulties can be reasonably beaten taking a guns blazing approach, AKUMU makes this pretty much impossible. This forces players to take a pure stealth approach to complete the run, and requires a great deal of knowledge about enemies patterns and map layout to give you a fair chance. The fact that this difficulty makes gamers adapt a completely different playstyle and use cleverness to complete it makes it more than worth playing for the experience.

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Fallout 4
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Writer, gamer, and enjoyer of all things visual. Makes jokes more reliably than headshots.