10 Video Games You Should Turn Off Before The End

3. Batman: Arkham Asylum

death stranding

The Batman Arkham games, as a whole, are pretty damn incredible. Yes, even including the black sheep that is Origins (honestly, go back and give it another try).

Each one a grand adventure in the life of Batman and his rogue's gallery of villains, with well written story arcs running throughout. Well, for a good portion, at least.

Yet what most fans will agree on is the handling of the Joker at the end of the first game, Arkham Asylum. The Joker, despite calling himself an agent of chaos, always has some plan or contingency of sorts for his actions. Sure, it's usually more chaos, but why fix what ain't broke.

So that he resigns himself to "giving up" and shooting himself full of Titan, thus creating a terrible boss fight too, seems so radically out of place even for the Crown Prince of Crime.

The denouement should have been Joker atop his throne, offering a more fitting scenario for a boss fight. Gadgets could have been utilised to outwit whatever he throws at you, much like Mr. Freeze in the sequel.

Instead, we got another fight against waves of goons. Shame.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.