12 Ways Bethesda Should Have Made Fallout 4

10. Less Repetitive Faction Quests

fallout 4 brotherhood of steel

It was a bad idea starting the game out by having you immediately meet the Minutemen, as from the second you leave the vault you're being asked to take over as leader for only the barest of reasons, catapulting you into a never-ending loop of "Go here, kill this, come back" missions, that pretty much go on forever, if you let them.

Disregarding how out of place it all feels when you're trying to fulfil the story and get your kid back (more on that later), none of the factions were especially well designed mechanically, or felt worthwhile to pursue.

The close of the game forces them together for the big finish, but when you remember just how memorable and incredibly distinct the likes of the Dark Brotherhood or College of Winterhold questlines were in past Elder Scrolls titles, there's nothing quite so impactful or worth seeking out here.

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