10 Ways Playing Video Games Makes You Better at Life

7. They Force You To Use Logic

Gaming directly stimulates the pre-frontal cortex; the portion of the brain that is crucial for logical thinking and contextual analysis. You see, just like the muscles, this part of the brain requires exercise in order to grow stronger and you can think of gaming as a virtual mind gym. Logic underpins everything you ever do. If you do €˜A€™ then €˜B€™ is the result and €˜C€™ is the implication. For example, if you make yourself a coffee, then you€™ll be more awake, but later you might suffer a caffeine crash. You might initially get more work done as a result of the coffee, but later you may fall further behind as a result of the crash. So logically is that coffee a good idea? It€™s your call. Studies have shown that children who have had access to sophisticated video games during their developmental years have shown superior development of their pre-frontal cortex to those that haven€™t, and thus will undoubtedly be more equipped to face the problems life will throw at them as a result. Still think gaming rots your brain?
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.