10 Ways Rockstar Should Make Red Dead Redemption 2

8. Use GTA V's Character-Switching Mechanic

At time of writing, we can at least posit that alongside Arthur Morgan being playable is another female character - most likely Abigail, John Marston's eventual wife.

However, the RDR2 reveal trailer showed no less than seven characters all barrelling down the mountainside - at least hinting that we could be getting multiple characters to switch between. If that is the case, Rockstar need to use GTA V's character-switching mechanic to let the camera fly across the wild west, leaping into whoever we want to control at any given time.

Best of all, this lets the devs show off what each character is up to when we're not around, creating the sensation of a "living person" with routines, whims, wants and needs, further highlighting aspects of their personality that we might otherwise not see.

Just imagine beaming into someone as they're in the middle of a bout of Liar's Dice, or gaining control mid-firefight on horseback to turn the tide. This mechanic simply fits too damn well in a wild west setting to not be used.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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