10 Ways Sony Can Save PS Vita (Without Dropping The Price)

1. Have A Fantastic 2013 E3


Most will be watching Sony€™s E3 presentation for the PS4, but the Vita has to have a strong showing. Killzone: Mercenary and Media Molecule€™s Tearaway need to be featured. Zone of the Enders HD and Final Fantasy X HD would also help immensely. Sony can talk about what€™s coming down the pipeline, but they should not talk too far down the road; they need to sell Vitas now.

With Nintendo bowing out of this year€™s E3 presentations, Sony has the lone portable to show off, (unless Microsoft reveals some crazy game pad) so they have the prime spotlight to swing for the fences. They cannot play it safe. The 3DS is going to sell no matter what they do, but they need to find a way to stop the bleeding and get those who don€™t have a Vita excited enough to purchase one.

So what are your thoughts? If you're a Vita owner, are you excited for the future of the system? And if you're not an owner, what else do you want to see from the Vita before making a purchase? Let us know with your comments.

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Anthony is an avid gamer and independent film maker who thoroughly enjoys keeping up with the video game and film industries.