10 Ways Sony Can Save PS Vita (Without Dropping The Price)

7. Compare PS4/Vita Combo To Wii U

pssp4 The Vita is not going to catch up with the 3DS, but it can assist the PS4 in its battle with the XBox 720 and Wii U. (Even though the Wii U isn€™t the main competition). The big draw of the Wii U, aside from the library of Nintendo franchises, is the system/gamepad combination. While we don€™t know everything about the PS4/Vita combination, it looks like Sony has the perfect handheld to go head on with the Wii U if it ever picked up steam. Playstation Battle Royal All-Stars displayed Sony€™s ability to have the same game run on both systems with integrated trophies and leaderboards, so it can make the argument that it does everything the Wii U does. Price is obviously a big factor as the Wii U ranges from $299-$349 and a new Vita isn€™t far behind with a price tag around $250. If the PS4 releases around the speculated price range of $400-$500, that makes the package much pricier than the Wii U. The caveat is that the Wii U Gamepad is not portable like the Vita, so the convenience may be worth the extra cost to some gamers.
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Anthony is an avid gamer and independent film maker who thoroughly enjoys keeping up with the video game and film industries.