10 Ways The Steam Box Can Win The Console War

6. The Controller

steam-controller As gaming technology evolves, so does the experiences it brings. But providing a solid experience can be challenging if the technology doesn't work efficiently. Particularly, peripheral technology, which provides interaction for those experiences can be quite challenging to research and develop. Throughout the years, the console controller has undergone an evolution -- evolving from a controller with a giant joystick and a couple of buttons to a controller with two minuscule joysticks and twelve buttons -- but none without consequences. In fact, some incarnations of the controller have become the worse peripherals on the market. Which is why the Steam Box's creepily black controller is already receiving the stink eye -- but looks can be deceiving. At first glance, Valve's first entry into the world of peripherals is an odd one. particularly, rather than having a pair of analog sticks, the controller features a pair of track pads for the player's thumbs. The result is a device that seems to have more in common with a pair of night vision goggles than a gamepad. In addition there is a touch screen in the center and a total of 16 buttons all around. Although it is a questionable design, Valve assures gamers that its an ideal -- if not perfect -- alternative to the traditional keyboard and mouse that PC gamers use. This was even proven with a successful demonstration using the controller in sync with Portal and Civilization V. And when you add Valve's promise that the controller will be compatible with the entire Steam library, the rest is history. Valve's controller may look like a bad fit for gamers, but with the already available proof that it functions along with the aid of further beta testing coming soon, its hard not to realize that the company may very well be onto something with its controller.
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Ryan was born in Barbados and grew up with a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. He is an accomplished blogger, freelance writer and vlogger. He is also an avid gamer (in case you couldn't tell from the things he writes about).