10 Ways That Gamers Can Save Money

6. Xbox Live Rewards

accessory One for 360 gamers only, I€™m afraid €“ but still a great deal. Sign up to http://rewards.xbox.com/ and you get Microsoft Points for anything, from renewing your Gold membership to buying arcade games to taking monthly surveys. If you have more than 3000 Gamerscore, you€™ll also get a free gift in your birthday month. You can even get a rebate of up to 2% on all of your purchases with Microsoft Points if you have over 25000 Gamerscore. You€™ll find that it all adds up!

5. Buy Unofficial Accessories

madcatz Every now and then, we need a new headset/controller/keyboard/cuddly mascot. But you needn€™t by the overpriced, official-branded controller from the console manufacturer, or a Turtle Beach headset just for TeamSpeak. Don€™t be afraid of using brands like MadCatz; make use of the reviews on Amazon or other websites. You can get some great bargains, and €“ if they come with a warranty, as many do €“ you get far more protection on your investment than you would buying an official accessory second-hand.
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Sports fanatic, gaming failure, studying to become a professional liar (in my first year of a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics). Follow me on twitter: @jdcotton