10 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Improve In The 2020s

2. Reduce The Price Of Digital Downloads

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One way that publishers could make digital versions of their games more attractive would be to reduce their price in comparison to physical copies. It makes sense when you think about it, even just purely because the production cost is cheaper.

That being said, there’s more than one reason to do this. The most obvious is that doing so would massively sway the percentage of gamers who favour digital purchases to their physical counterparts. Whilst discs may be the preferred choice of ownership, many could change their tune if offered the chance to save somewhere between £5 and £15, for example.

Some Triple A games never reduce in price online either. Who’s going to pay £50 for an old Call of Duty game they could pick up in CEX for about £6? Given that you can’t trade in a digital copy, essentially killing the second-hand marketplace, there needs to be an incentive for customers to pick a download over a trip to the shops.

With the inevitable move to downloads and streaming, the first publisher to introduce this model could rake it in by undercutting the market. We should make our voices heard on this now, whilst we still have a choice in the matter.

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