10 Ways The PS4 Has Systematically Destroyed The Xbox One

2. One RIDICULOUSLY Effective Burn

If you were to point to one single event that buried the Xbox One, yes it would be Don Mattrick's comments recommending the Xbox 360 to those who didn't have constant internet connections - and yes it would be those early requirements for an 'always connected console' - but mainly, it would be Sony burying Microsoft with one viral video.

Now viewed over 16 million times, it landed slap-bang in the middle of all the confusion surrounding the notion of Xbox One games requiring licenses to play, and therefore not being shareable amongst friends or being tradable at retail.

All it took was Sony making real the sketch we all had in our minds of "How you share a game on PS4" (you pass it to a friend), and history was made.

Zip the Xbox One up, as this console generation 'war' was over before it started.

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