10 Ways Valorant Is A Clone Of Counter-Strike

9. The Shooting

counter strike valorant
Riot Games

Call of Duty. Battlefield. Apex Legends. These are some of the most popular FPS games today and they all share a simple but defining shooting mechanic: the ability to aim down sight. This means that the player can and is encouraged to look through the scope on their gun while shooting for better accuracy.

In Counter-Strike, there is no such mechanic (exceptions being the AUG and Krieg 552) and more of an emphasis is placed on crosshair placement and recoil control. Valorant has adopted the same philosophy and it gives the game that old school feel that we all know and love.

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Ever since I saw BJ grin as he picked up the chain gun in Wolfenstein 3D, I've been hooked on video games. My first love, however, was Counter-Strike 1.3 and I would beg my mom to take me to Internet cafés just so I could play it. The other two games that captured my heart were World of Warcraft and Quake, though I play all sorts of games (especially of the competitive multiplayer type). Oh, and I love dwarves and write fantasy stories about them in my free time.