10 Ways Video Games Keep Pissing Off Fans

1. Default-On Motion Blur

outriders game
Square Enix

To wrap up with what is certainly the most nitpicky entry on this list, but one that pisses enough people off that I thought it was worth mentioning, we have the default-on visual settings that you almost certainly do not want on.

While there’s nothing like the rush of booting up a brand new game, diving into the graphics settings, and turning off motion blur before you’ve even seen what it looks like in game, it seems strange that games keep turning it on for you.

There’s nothing wrong with devs giving players more options as everyone likes to experience their games differently, mechanically, visually, and everything in between. Since we’re having a go at motion blur we may as well throw lens flair, depth of field, chromatic aberration, bloom, and film grain on the pile since they’re also frequent victims of being turned off as soon as they’ve been identified in the graphics settings menu.

We’re not mad, video games, we’re just disappointed. Although if you do love any of these you’d better sound off so we can understand what we’re missing.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.