10 Ways You Can Tell A Video Game Is Going To Suck

9. Fortnite-Derivative Art Direction

Foamstars Game
Square Enix

Once upon a time, Fortnite had a relatively distinctive aesthetic within the gaming space, for while it didn't invent cartoonish visuals with realistic shading, it popularised it like nobody else, regardless of whether the game appealed to you or not.

But of course, it was just a matter of time before a glut of games opted to crib its hugely successful art style to their own ends, which whether Battle Royale-centric or not, ultimately devalued whatever the aesthetic meant in the first place.

It's tough not to look at any Fortnite-adjacent multiplayer game with cartoony art direction and near-immediately dismiss it as a creatively bankrupt me-too release cravenly attempting to cash-in on Fortnite's enormous success.

Take recently announced games like Foamstars and Fairgame$, both of which appear to be aping Fortnite's colourful, attention-grabbing style for their own gains.

It immediately makes one put their back up and assume that a game's just riding Fortnite's coattails rather than, y'know, forging its own path and crafting its own identity.

It's an easy way to instantly evaporate mass interest in a game that might otherwise actually look interesting.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.