10 Weird Facts About Gaming In China

3. Everything Is Censored

Seriously, it's hard to understate just how strict the rules of censorship are in China. Every single piece of media that gets officially released has to go through a strict process, which can see the release delayed by months if not years, as filmmakers, TV producers and video game developers have to keep making tweaks and cuts based on the notes of the government. They even have a specific checklist of things that can't appear in any media that the PRC government signs off on. You can't €œviolate basic principles of the Constitution€ (whatever that means), can't divulge state secrets, disturb social order, infringe upon others rights, damage national sovereignty, national unity, or territorial integrity. Mostly that amounts to not featuring any negative portrayals of the government or life in the People's Republic. Call Of Duty: Black Ops II never stood a chance. There are plenty of games that have been straight up banned, for various reasons: Battlefield 4 for "smearing the image of China and endangering national security", strategy game Hearts Of Iron for "distorting history and damaging China's sovereignty and territorial integrity", etc. Weirdly they also insist on skeletons or skulls being either fleshed out or removed entirely from games. Skeletons are pretty scary.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/