10 Weird Video Game Concepts That Totally Should've Sucked

1. I Am Bread

Could the idea of a video game protagonist being a slice of bread sound any stranger? Or less likely to work as game, for that matter? I Am Bread Showed that having a baked mixture of flour and water as a main character really is something that appeals to gamers, though only when the gameplay and story is this good.

In this physics-based platformer, you control the slice of bread of the title. Your mission: to find a way to somehow toast yourself while restricting the number of times you reduce your edibility. Much like Octodad, the fun from this game comes from the physics of trying to actually control your bread. It's hilarious, frustrating (make sure you use a gamepad and never a keyboard) and totally insane, I Am Bread is more than just a game trying to get sales through a one joke gimmick.

The game is still in Early Access, so any bugs should be ironed out before the final version is released; by which time the half-baked, use your loaf, and crumby jokes should have worn thin.

What other weird but enjoyable games would you have on this list?

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Lover of all things PC. A fan of inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin. Remembers when 'geek' was an insult. Still passionately believes Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines was the greatest game ever made.