10 Weird Video Game Facts That Became Canon

9. Sonic Doesn't Wear Socks - Sonic The Hedgehog

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Sonic the Hedgehog is a franchise that collects weird canonical trivia like a bored ten-year-old collects Pokemon.

You have your classics like Sonic's unconditional love for chili dogs or that Sonic's name is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog (you have Archie Comics to thank for that one). However, of all the odd and unnecessary things the developers have revealed about their anthropomorphic cast over the years, it's probably this one truth bomb from Sonic's creator, Naoto Ohshima, regarding the blue hedgehog's shoes, of all things.

When one of the fans asked Ohshima over a tweet if the white part of Sonic's iconic footwear is socks, the creator replied that it's all boots.

Yep, if all these years you thought Sonic rocked a pair of red sneakers with some thick socks underneath, it turns out that they are actually a pair of tall rubber boots with their top parts being folded into socks-like cuffs.

Did you really need to know this? No. Is it something you cannot unsee? Most definitely.

But maybe it's best to cut the topic here. After all, the internet has had too many conversations about Sonic's feet already...

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.