10 Worshipped Video Games No One Understands

2. Kingdom Hearts

mortal kombat baraka
Square Enix

Even though JRPGs are infamous for their convoluted storylines, you'd think SquareEnix would tone it down for Kingdom Hearts. Because this Disney property has tons of appeal for kids, it would be sensible for the plot to be straightforward.

Instead, the developers crafted a narrative that makes Tenet look comprehensible by comparison. As Kingdom Hearts opens, Sora heads off with his friends to explore new worlds. After Sora's friends are captured by the Heartless, he comes into possession of the Keyblade. Teaming up with Donald Duck and Goofy, Sora travels to various Disney worlds to defeat the Heartless.

Now, that premise is totally fine. However, things go bonkers when the antagonist, Ansem, is brought into the picture. You see, Ansem is the Heartless of Xehanort, who stole the identity of his master (the real Ansem) after he placed his heart into Terra, who was tasked with defeating Xehanort. This entity, known as Terra-Xehanort, is composed of the bodies of Ansem (the second one) and his Nobody, Xemnas. A Nobody is created when a body and soul is... you know what... at what point did the developers realise no gamer is going to understand any of this?

It's like Square forgot Kingdom Hearts' target audience is children. If adults can't grasp the story, kids have no chance.

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Mortal Kombat
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