10 Worst "Ultimate" Video Game Weapons

4. The Soul Edge - Soul Calibre Franchise

Nioh 2 Sohayamaru
Bandai Namco Entertainment

If there's one thing that players immediately associate with the Soul Calibre franchise, outside jiggle physics that is, it's got to be the titular sword of legend The Soul Edge.

This beast of a weapon takes the form of whatever the user is most comfortable wielding, and as the narrative enforces, bestows unbelievable strength and power. It certainly comes at a cost, but there's no shortage of world warriors looking to claim this for themselves.

In-game this power is reflected, as you might expect, by usually being the highest damage dealing weapon for each character, HOWEVER before you think of slogging into battle with William Birken's butter knife at your side, you better be prepared to treat every battle thereafter as a handicap match, as in reality, it's a two on one affair and NOT in your favour.

I say this because the swollen sabre steals your soul during the match! Meaning you might actually be KO'd by your own blade!

Also, to rub salt further into the wounds Soul Edge has just caused you, every character usually has a BETTER weapon you can unlock for them, meaning that this sword of ultimate power is actually just a runner-up!

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