10 Worst Ever Downgrades In Video Game History

8. Watch Dogs

Mortal Kombat 1 Switch

Watch Dogs' 2012 reveal trailer was a breathtaking display of technical prowess and promise. It showed the protagonist (Aiden Pearce) navigating a stunning environment with gorgeous weather, clothing, and lighting effects. It was a mind-blowing display of next-gen (PS4/Xbox One) gaming.

However, once the game came out, almost all of its visual finesse was missing.

The lighting severely lacked the complex and toned aesthetic of the trailer, Pearce's clothing was far less dynamic, the incredible detail was dropped, and that was just the beginning. This was not what Ubisoft advertised.

Ultimately, while Watch Dogs wasn't as pretty as promised, it was still a big success. Even those who were disappointed by the downgrade could admit that it was a good looking title.

Still, while it could have been worse, it also could have been much better.


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