10 Worst-Kept Spoilers In Video Game History

7. Silent Hill 2 - James Killed His Wife

Final Fantasy 7

With every Silent Hill that followed Silent Hill 2 relying on a pretty big crazy twist to drive the climax of its story (what with Heather being pregnant with God’s baby and all in Silent Hill 3), it’s hard to avoid the wild twist that started it all for the franchise.

With the original Silent Hill being a pretty straightforward search for your missing daughter, Silent Hill 2 takes the set structure of having James search for his missing wife Mary with amnesia, opening the door for the perfect it-was-you-all-along twist.

Due to the sheer crazy nature of finding out your protagonist was the murderer all along, this twist got pretty famous pretty quickly. The parallels between Mary and Maria can’t be discussed without mentioning James’ subconscious torment of killing his wife as he watches Maria die over and over again.

Plus, this game came out in 2001, so it’s pretty old news at this point.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.