10 Worst Multi-Phase Video Game Boss Battles

1. Nyx Avatar - Persona 3

Sister Friede

And finally, we come to Persona 3's Nyx Avatar, a final boss battle that in its ridiculousness basically serves as a parody of multi-phase boss fights.

Nyx Avatar has fourteen phases in total, taking the form of many different Arcanas throughout the fight, and as such it can take well over an hour for players to complete.

To make matters worse the fight has no checkpoints whatsoever, and in its final phase the boss' Night Queen skill may cast Charm on a party member, which will almost certainly result in them fully healing the boss, effectively negating the progress you've made.

Oh, and during the final phase the boss will also use Moonless Gown, which reflects the player's attacks back at them.

Let's call Nyx Avatar what it is - a bulls**t boss intended to break the player's spirit with its egregiously overlong length and late-stage introduction of gruelling RNG elements.

You'll be practically euphoric if you beat it, but you might also give up before then.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.