10 Worst Open-World Games Of All Time

1. Superman

Superman 2006

Creating a Superman game is no easy task, but EA's 2006 stab at bringing the character to life has become a textbook example of how a developer can completely mess it up.

Without any storyline to follow, the game has you flying across the same streets over and over again to fight the same old robots just so Metropolis' health bar doesn't run out. It's all busywork, and despite the game featuring levelling-up systems and upgrades, pretty much everything that Superman 2006 has to offer can be experienced in the first 20 minutes.

Despite how bad it is though, the title still somehow manages to squander what little potential it has. The vast array of powers Superman has at his disposal, including a rather impressively-executed ability that allows players to travel faster than a speeding bullet, are completely wasted on repetitive gameplay and unimaginative enemies, somehow making the superhero romp even more frustrating to play.

It's all a shambles, and in an era where this kind of movie cash-in has been virtually abandoned by the major publishers, seems even worse in hindsight.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3