10 Worst Open-World Games Of All Time

6. Two Worlds

Two Worlds 2
TopWare Interactive

Drawing inevitable comparisons to Oblivion when it released back in 2007, the open-world RPG Two Worlds showed players how bad Bethesda's series could have turned out. While the game featured all the tenants you'd expect from a release in the genre - boasting a huge sandbox to explore, characters you could tailor to your choosing and a wide variety of beasts to fend off against, just about every one of these features was botched in some way.

The map itself, while ambitious, became a chore to explore thanks to some glaring bugs and glitches that made even simple movements a pain. Combat didn't fare much better either, with clunky controls turning every enemy encounter into a scrappy wrestling match rather than a grand fantasy battle.

Likewise, the story crumbled the longer the game wore on, with the abysmal-if-noble voice acting (accomplished by the developers rather than a professional studio) ruined any impact it may otherwise have had.

It's hard to completely tear into Two Worlds because of how ambitious the game was at the time, but there's no denying that it was an unadulterated failure on every single level.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3