10 Worst Open-World Games Of All Time
3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Hands down, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has one of the worst open worlds ever created. The drab grey city is barely any more lifelike than a cardboard cutout miniature, and the game even seems to recognise this, dropping the setting for most of the main missions in favour of tightly-crafted levels.
While that could have balanced out the pointless open world activities though, they somehow only make this terrible superhero game even worse. At least in the city you get to swing around and pull off high-flying Spidey moves, but the repetitive objectives of the main quests as well as the restrictive levels suck out even that molecule of fun.
Add on top of that the fact that the sequel somehow looks worse than the original game despite benefiting from a new generation of consoles, and you're left not only with the worst gaming outing the Web Head has ever endured, but also the biggest example of how to not do a superhero sandbox game.