10 Worst PlayStation Launch Games Ever

9. Knack (PS4)

Knack PS4
SCE Japan Studio

Oh, Knack. Though this mascot platformer is at least one of the more basically competent games on this list, it's also one of the most crushingly disappointing.

Directed by legendary Sony designer Mark Cerny, Knack was hyped up as a gemstone in the PS4's relatively so-so launch lineup, with many hoping that it'd make the most of the DualShock 4's innovative new features while offering up fond memories of the earlier Crash Bandicoot games.

In the end, Knack was a bit...boring?

Knack wasn't a terribly interesting protagonist, the platforming didn't make particularly creative use of his form-shifting abilities, and perhaps worst of all, the difficulty level and checkpoint placement were shockingly punishing for a game basically aimed at children.

Despite the original receiving its share of critical scorn, Knack II was released in 2016 to relatively decent reviews.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.