10 Worst Plot Points In Otherwise Awesome Games

1. Far Cry 3 - Vaas

Farcry3 One of my favourite games and so perhaps it makes sense that this gets the top spot but this came completely out of the blue. It turned what could have been a great rescue/revenge story into an incoherent mess involving chanting, tribes and ritual sacrifices. It was such a shame. Far Cry 3 is guilty of a similar sin to Metal Gear 2 here, but the reason it takes top spot is the complete U-Turn on the plot I had been lulled into expecting. Where Metal Gear only teased me for one mission, Far Cry 3 does it for over half the game. In Vaas you have one of the best antagonists in modern gaming. The performance from Micheal Mando is phenomenal, his voice and mannerisms giving Vaas a genuine sense of danger. The opening scene where he is toying with you and your brother before shooting him in front of your eyes, then demanding you run, is tense as hell and really set me up for some good, old fashioned vengeance. He was an absolute ba**tard and I wanted to take him down. But I really didn't want to take him down like that. Instead of unleashing hell on Vaas and his army of followers, having taken over his outposts and territory, we were treated to a ridiculous dream sequence in which you move forward killing multiple Vaas' before reaching the end and stabbing the real one. And that was it. Vaas was dead and I was sure I had only played over half the game. Surely they wouldn't kill off the one character they have been promoting this entire time, the one character who brought a sense of danger and tension to the whole experience? They wouldn't make me play on now that I have done the one thing I set out to do, would they? Yes they would. You proceed to take on Hoyt, who it turns out is apparently worse than Vaas. Except he's not. In any way. Vaas was an unhinged psychopath capable of doing anything at anytime. Compared to him, Hoyt was an anticlimax of epic proportions and that is why he takes top spot. So there you have it, My 10 Worst Plot Points in Otherwise Awesome Games. I am sure you will have your own that I have overlooked or perhaps you don't agree. Feel free to comment but I will defend my choices to the death!

An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow