10 WORST Video Game Weapons
DOOM 2016's pistol... what the hell was that?!

Weapons in video games are one of the most deceptively hard things to figure out, both as a player and as the developer who has to create those weapons to begin with.
Generally speaking, a video game weapon needs to be at once useful, versatile, and feel really good to use. You should not only have a weapon that's fun to use, but whose usefulness extends beyond what it seems to be on the surface.
And then you have the other guys.
Some video game weapons, whether due to shoddy design, lack of understanding of the mechanics of the very game it's in, or even the developers intentionally trolling their audience, are just flat out bad.
A bad video game weapon can take many forms, but the main rule for getting on this list is that there must be a standard of good within the game itself. Otherwise this list would be filled with every weapon from Daikatana.
Otherwise, if you can use it to cause harm to another character in game, then all bets are off. These are by far the worst video game weapons ever made.
10. The Wooden Sword - Ninja Gaiden: Black

At the bottom of the list due to the investment you put into it ultimately being worth it, but that's a long way off to forcing yourself to use one of the weakest swords in gaming history.
The wooden sword is exactly what it says on the tin. In a game filled with comedically overpowered enemies with insane weapons coming at you from all sides, this game gives you the option to combat them with a tiny little wooden training sword. Now, the plus side to it is that it has more upgrade slots than any other weapon in the game, and of course, once you upgrade it completely, it becomes one of the best weapons in the entire series, The Unlabored Flawlessness.
This hits like a dump truck under normal conditions, but when you allow yourself to be worn down to little to no health, it then hits like approximately 17 freight trains. Making for a fantastic risk and reward system that can make the final boss an utter joke if you know how to use it.
But in typical Ninja Gaiden fashion, you of course have to REALLY work for the privilege of using this weapon, and have to put up with one of the weakest melee weapons ever made in a video game where having weak weapons is met with SEVERE punishment.