10 Worst Video Games Of All Time (According To Metacritic)

5: Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust - 17%

leisure suit larry box office busy
Team 17

Leisure Suit Larry games aren’t everybody’s cup of tea but the series certainly has its moments. Unless we’re focussing on the 2009 release Box Office Bust then there are no moments to be found unless they are moments of what a shitty game looks like. If that’s what you’re after, this one has you sorted.

The ironically named Box Office Bust has nothing interesting to say, it’s completely broken, and there are zero laughs to be found.

As if that’s not bad enough the gameplay is repetitive and Play UK even called it “Possibly the worst game of its generation”. The game was supposed to come to the Wii but it was received so badly that those plans were scrapped. The writing is lame, the platforming is agonising, and the camera fights you more often than not.

Just about every critic review literally begs the reader not to buy this one so I don't know what more you need to know.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.