10 Wrestlers You'd Never Expect To Be Huge Gamers

2. John Cena

The common mental image that springs to mind of a PC gamer is quite stereotypical, and probably pretty darn offensive! Many picture these folks as being overweight, doing little all day other than souping up their machines and eating Doritos, whilst blasting fools on a variety of titles. Certainly, one man who doesn't come to mind when picturing PC game enthusiasts is John Cena. The poster boy for WWE, Cena has built a body to be in awe of, and spends most of his time eating, sleeping and breathing World Wrestling Entertainment, so it's understandable that nobody would have him down as a gamer. During his teenage years, Cena built quite the PC rig, capable of playing all the top releases. Incredibly, in his home today stands his original machine, right next to a brand spanking new set-up that he enjoys when he has some down time. The thought that John Cena has a gaming room in his home is tremendous, it's almost like the Bat Cave.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.