100 Greatest Video Game Villains Of All Time

70. Raul Menendez - Call Of Duty Black Ops 2

Raul Menendez Raul Menendez is named within the game as the most dangerous terrorist since Osama Bin Laden after he gathers billions of followers using his social networking group, Cordis Die, which he then organises into armed insurgent groups that were unaware of his terrorism. He later takes over hundreds of automated U.S drones that he uses to attack the U.S and China to ignite a worldwide uprising.

69. Harry Flynn - Uncharted 2

Uncharted Flynn asks for Nathan Drake's help breaking into the Istanbul Palace Museum at the opening of Uncharted 2. Nate is persuaded to help, but once they have what they came for, Flynn sets off the alarm and leaves Nate to get arrested by the guards. It turns out Flynn is actually working for the warlord Zoran Lazarevic, and upon getting heavily wounded he tries to kill Nate and Elena with a suicide grenade.

68. Ricardo Diaz - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Ricardo Diaz The drug baron of Vice City with a suitably foul mouth and quick temper. During the game it is revealed that he was the one who sabotaged the drug deal that kicked off the game's events and although he hires Tommy for various jobs, it is not long before Tommy helps Lance avenge his brother and kill Diaz, in a finale very reminiscent of the film, Scarface.

67. Molluck - Abe's Odyssey

Molluck Whilst he doesn't personally attack Abe, at least not until hanging him over a giant meat grinder, Molluck was the head of the Glukkons and was also behind the idea of using the Mudokons in the new product from the processing plant, Mudokon Pops. First oppressing the Mudokons, then using them as a new food source, you can't get much more despicable than that.

66. Piggsy - Manhunt

Piggsy Piggsy was enlisted by Starkweather to perform in his snuff movie ring and had an extremely successful career. He was an overweight and incredibly disturbed individual who wore a severed pig's head on top of his own and wielded a chainsaw to kill each of his many victims. A mindless killer, the face-off against Piggsy is primal and terrifying in equal measure.
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I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.