11 Best Video Game Boss Battles Of 2015

1. Gehrman, The First Hunter (Bloodborne)

Upon first meeting Gehrman, you have him down as a bit of the victim of the whole beast mess pervading the game. This guy was the first person to step up against the beasts, and created the Hunter's Dream as a safe zone for hunters arriving in Yarnham to fight against the Scourge. Throughout the game, Gehrman sits in his wheelchair acting as a guide to the player. But at the end, certain choices you make can initiate a battle with the old man, who in his rage forgets that he's wheelchair-bound and begins scything away at you. The battle takes place in the beautiful, haunting setting of the Hunter's Dream - a field brimming with white flowers gently flowing in the wind, and surreal sky-high pillars stretching off for all eternity. The dramatic yet sombre music indicates that whatever the outcome of this battle, it's something of a lost cause. Gehrman may look like a geriatric but he certainly doesn't fight like one. He's fast, hard to hit and has a devastating array of scythe attacks. The battle is the sublime kind of duel that marks the pinnacle of Souls-style combat mechanics, forcing you to use all the skills you've amassed throughout the game to come out victorious. A fitting finale to one of the best games of the year. Any other boss battles stand out to you this year? Leave a comment and let us know, or try your hand at writing for WhatCulture yourself!

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.