11 Biggest Video Game Plot Holes You Can’t Explain
7. Metal Gear Solid 4 - Why Can Raiden Channel Lightning?
"I am lightning, the rain transformed" he says, making the save at the close of the game when Snake's in desperate need of some backup, despite cyborg Raiden being armless and only able to attack dudes with a foot-mounted sword.
The thing is, it appears the only reason this comes about is because earlier in the game Snake makes a crack about him being "the lightning in the rain", which assumedly in a canon where giant flaming space-whales can eat mid-air helicopters in the 60s alongside soldiers being made of bees... makes it okay. Maybe, but it's a little thin, don't you think?
Plus, when Platinum Games decided to make Metal Gear Rising - set after the events of MGS 4 - why weren't these awesome powers included? Most likely because the guys went to MGS creator Hideo Kojima, asked "Hey, what was the deal with that lightning stuff?" and got nothing but a Neo-like "There are no lightning powers" quote in return.