11 Biggest WTF Missions In GTA History

2. Pulling Favors - GTA V

Hopefully with GTA 6 we'll see Rockstar invest their considerable cash into fleshing out the parts of the game that need it - like combat, for example - rather than coding this absolute toss.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that making us literally park up next to cars and tow them back to a yard was supposed to represent the bottom rung of Franklin's life - the incentive that helps the audience realise how naff his jobs was, and provides a stark contrast to where Franklin ends up, alongside giving ample motivation to why he would attempt a life of crime with Michael and Trevor.

Or it could be that Rockstar needed more padding for the beginning of the game, and stuck this in for the sake of ticking the box that says "Aimless busywork all open-world games must have" next to it.

It's probably the latter.

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