11 DC Characters We Want To See In The Suicide Squad Game

2. Killer Croc

Maybe we'll have one too many swimming monsters with King Shark in the mix as well, but it'd be such a shame to leave Croc out of the equation at a prospective level. Again, the player could have a lot of fun destroying enemies as Croc, and it seems like he has quite a lot of potential dialogue-wise to be an entertaining character if given the correct amount of screen time. While Solomon Grundy has actually been a part of The Squad in the comics, we've chosen to leave him out of this list as his previous gaming roles (Injustice included) haven't really made him an attractive prospect for a fan to control at length. Meanwhile, Croc (who declined to fight Batman at the end of Origins, and attacked Scarecrow in Asylum) seems like he could be brought in to the Squad with the right incentives, and may also be an interesting "livewire" in the group, starting fights in cutscenes, causing friction within the ranks and generally making a mess of Waller's carefully laid plans.

Soundspheremag.com editor. Also marketing and PR manager for The Creative Condition (@conditiontweets), a disabled entrepreneur, and huge wrestling fan. Thanks for reading!