11 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Batman: Arkham

9. From Asylum-Knight, Over 23 Other DC Heroes Are Referenced

Arkham Knight Starro
Warner Bros.

From the very get-go, it became clear that Batman: Arkham Asylum had more to it than just the Dark Knight. The game referenced the Injustice Gang (a typical foil for the Justice League of America), and the decision to focus on a Batman at the peak of years seemed to indicate a rich and well-established universe. After all, if Barbara Gordon was Oracle that would mean The Killing Joke happened, and if that happened, then surely Babs would've been involved with either Task Force X or the Birds of Prey.

Aware of the obvious potential the series had to branch out into other DC properties (one that's still yet to be fully realised), Rocksteady upped the amount of Easter eggs on show in Arkham City by a ludicrous amount. The game referenced the cities of Metropolis and Keystone, thereby confirming the existence of Superman and the Flash, and WB Montreal followed suit in Arkham Origins, with the very first trailer opening with a box owned by Queen Industries, Green Arrow's own company.

Arkham Knight went even further. Bruce can take a message from Lex Luthor, and the Matter of Family DLC included Starro, the Justice League's first ever villain.

Martian Manhunter, Swamp Thing, the Question, Huntress and John Constantine were all referenced too, alongside countless other DC figures. Point being, there's a massive universe outside of Gotham, and one WB have to explore sooner or later.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.