11 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Batman: Arkham

7. Arkham Asylum And Origins' Cancelled Enemy Types

Batman Arkham Cancelled Enemies
Warner Bros.

If there was any criticism to level at Arkham's gameplay, it would be that it could occasionally err on the repetitive side. Sure, new enemy types were introduced with each entry, but sometimes things could start to feel a little same-y.

Whenever a new enemy was introduced, however, gameplay experienced a sudden jolt of unpredictability. First it was the knife-wielding guards in Asylum, then it was the shield and stun-rod thugs of Arkham City, and then the martial-artists of Arkham Origins. If you'd ever wondered what kind of enemies didn't make the grade though, then you'll be interested to learn that both Rocksteady and Montreal have unveiled several cancelled enemy types that were cut during development.

One of the more curious examples is the straightjacket thug that was planned to appear in Arkham Asylum. He would've behaved like the other insane enemy in the game but would've wielded a weapon too. He was eventually cut however, surviving only as a floating head in a jar in the Asylum's Intensive Treatment building.

Likewise, Arkham Origins developers WB Montreal planned to have a martial artist version of the GCPD and Anarky enemies. The latter featured in the E3 demo, but weren't present in the final game.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.