11 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2016
7. Star Fox Zero
Speaking of deflating experiences, try playing Star Fox Zero.
After years and years (and years) of fans begging Nintendo for a proper home console Star Fox sequel (Assault was 2005), they eventually got it... to a fault.
Star Fox Zero arrived as a demonic hybrid of old and new-school design. Its aesthetic was routed in the N64 era, the polygonal, blocky ships surely being a charming inclusion to many 90s gamers, but the controls... well, they were awkwardly forced into accommodating Wii U functionality, putting aiming on the Touchpad itself, with no option to change to anything else.
You'd literally have to angle the Touchpad 'at' the screen and aim 'through' it to hit enemies on your TV, which is even more cumbersome than it sounds.
It comes to something when it's not the main instalment, but spin-off tower defence mini-game Star Fox Guard that endears itself to peoples' hearts in 2016, but that's just how monumentally naff Zero truly was.