11 Most Disappointing Video Games Of 2020

7. Iron Man VR

avengers game

The second and final VR game on this list, unlike The Walking Dead: Onslaught, Iron Man VR had much more excitement leading up to its release. A PSVR exclusive, this tie-in promised to offer the definitive superhero virtual reality experience, blending bombastic, fully-controlled fights with more intimate story moments where players embodied Tony Stark outside of the suit.

Very occasionally, it lived up to this premise as well. Taking flight for the first time and learning the nuances of navigation by training your whole body brings a joy unlike almost anything else in gaming.

Sadly, it never really gets better than those first ten minutes.

The actual 'game' at the heart of Iron Man VR more or less consists of a handful of mission types, where you're fighting against the same handful of emotionless drone enemies while flying around the same handful of limited levels.

Repetition sets in quick, and while the story has some saving graces, issues with loading and the lack of content frequently pulls you out of what should be an immersive experience.

It's great to show a friend, but doesn't quite satisfy as a full game.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3