11 Most Outrageous Video Game Controversies Of 2018

4. Command & Conquer Returns...As A Mobile Game

Video Game Overwatch Loot Box

Despite the backlash heaped upon it for bastardizing Bullfrog's classic strategy series with Dungeon Keeper Mobile, EA has, apparently, refused to listen to criticism. Westwood's iconic base-building RTS Command & Conquer made its grand return as part of EA's games lineup at this year's E3, but in a form that nobody asked for.

After what felt like an age of absence and the controversial cancellation of a full-fledged title, the publisher's announcement of a spin-off mobile game stripped of the franchise's identity and diluted beyond recognition was simply a slap in the face for fans who had been waiting patiently for the better part of a decade for something, anything, resembling a true C&C title.

Mobile games have their place, no level-headed individual decries that. The issue here is that EA, as it so spectacularly proved five years ago with Dungeon Keeper, has failed utterly to recognise the core audience of an established franchise, opting instead to drag the name of a criminally-underused IP through the mud even more.

What a shambles.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.