11 Severely Underrated Xbox One Games You Must Play
11. State Of Decay: Day One Survival Edition
Sick of zombie infestations and head-popping gameplay? Me too, hence why State of Decay is such a brilliant new twist on an increasingly tired theme. Rather than see you take on the hordes by yet again blasting through waves of them, Undead Labs put you in the shoes of a variety of everyday characters all with all sorts of skills, letting you explore the open-world to gather resources, level up, establish new safe zones and farm supplies to stay alive. Along the way a solid combat engine will still provide enough thrills and spills to satisfy the gore-hounds (downing a zombie and pinging their head off with a golf club never gets old), but it's in the brilliantly isolated feeling of real-world survival that elevates this above almost every other undead title out there. Taking a car out and answering a distress call is as much a risk as the reward it'll bring, and as night falls and the zombies themselves get faster and more powerful, it connotes PS2 gem Prisoner of War in making you imminently aware that your already-risky surroundings are getting less safe by the second. State of Decay's initial release on 360 was a solid first attempt, but with a more robust framerate and all the additional DLC fleshing out the world even more, this definitive Xbox One take is the best.