11 Stages Of Grief Everyone Experiences After Buying PS VR

8. Justifying Your Purchase By Showing It Off To *Everyone*

Ps vr playstation vr

You know, if you were watching someone play a PSVR, you wouldn't really know what all the fuss was about. Sure, it looks funky when someone turns their head and the camera moves on screen, but unless you put the headset on yourself, you have no idea just how immersive it really is.

To understand the power of PSVR, you really have to try it - and once you pick one up you'll spend more time convincing others it's great, than actually using it yourself.

Because you've just blown your savings on a piece of tech that nobody really believes in, you can bet that you'll be spending those first few days getting your parents on board, loosening up the straps for your Grandma and calling up your old high school teachers to make sure everyone knows just how good it is.

And you know what? They'll all love it too.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3