11 Terrible Video Game Collectibles That Were A Waste Of Time

2. Light Seeds - Prince Of Persia

AC Feather

Light Seeds are the main collectibles in Prince of Persia, which can be found around the map or be awarded via freeing the world from Corruption. There are a whopping 1001 light seeds to collect. While you get power-ups with more light-seeds, there is not much need to collect all of them, and you may not be able to either.

Back in 2009, there was a common glitch where players were stuck on 999 light seeds, unable to collect the last two (one being collected after completing the game). Collecting the seeds while saving the game or during a cutscene usually resulted in the glitch appearing, driving completionists mad.

Fortunately, this has now been patched, and on Steam, you can unlock a new skin for collecting all 1001. But is there a reward for those 2009 players? An achievement. That's it.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.