11 Video Games That Taught You Valuable Life Lessons

8. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Political Organisation And Hidden Truths

The Last Of Us Joel
Bethesda Softworks

The Elder Scrolls series is famed for its storytelling triumphs, premised upon structured world-building, interesting characters with detailed backstories, and a history of war, conquest and conflict. The peak of the Elder Scrolls storytelling takes place in Skyrim in the midst of a bloody civil war. 

Players experience the civil war from the outset, thrust between the Stormcloaks, fighting for the independence of Skyrim, and the Imperial Legion, seeking to quell the rebellion and consolidate the Empire. As the story progresses from each perspective, the delves into issues of neo-imperialism and self-determination. 

Stormcloaks decry the outlaw of their own religious worship and the deterioration of national identity and sovereignty, whilst the Imperials attempt to convince the Dragonborn of the advantages of unionism - arguing the Empire is collectively stronger together, whilst peace and cooperation are essential to resist the threat of the Aldimeri Dominion and the brutal Thalmor. These themes are becoming evermore present in the modern political climate, as the player can draw similarities in the swelling powers of transnational institutions, such as the EU and the IMF.

Skyrim also educates the player on the inconvenient truth behind the civil war - which was ultimately orchestrated by the Thalmor, seeking to topple the Empire of men. This begs the player to examine issues such as political corruption and truth.


Writer, day-dreamer, dragon rider.